A woman from New Zealand named Maddie Smith shared on Facebook the story of her sweet kitty Ruby who got poisoned after she licked a Himalayan salt lamp. This woman is trying to warn other cat owners of the dangers of these types of lamps and urges them to keep them out of the reach of their pets.
She started by writing how Ruby was walking in a strange manner that Wednesday morning. They simply thought it was because the little one was cold so they got her toasty before they left for work.
Unfortunately, once they got home, they could see the cat’s condition was way worse than before, so they took her to the vet.
“The vets were extremely concerned for her and could see she definitely had neurological problems because she simply could not walk properly, could not hear or see, couldn’t even eat or drink properly because she couldn’t function her tongue the best,” the cat owner wrote.
“Her basic senses and abilities gone in 12 hours. She was so helpless.”
When the test results came back, both the doctors and Ruby’s owners were left shocked. The cat was diagnosed with severe salt poisoning which caused her brain to swell.
“The salt poisoning was caused by just your normal salt lamp that we had in our lounge. Ruby has ingested the salt by simply licking the lamp.”
They all say how Ruby’s survival is a miracle as salt poisoning is deadly to animals. The thing is that once they lick these lamps, the animals can’t stop doing it because the taste is addictive.
The vets and medical experts add that these lamps are ‘deadly’ for animals but only if they consume too much of the mineral and lick them repeatedly, otherwise they can do no harm.
The amount of salt cats are allowed to take per day is around 42mg. Anything above this quantity can cause poisoning.
So, if you do decide to get a Himalayan salt lamp just make sure your pet can’t reach it.
In the pursuit of fitness goals, timing your workouts strategically can make a significant difference in your progress and results. At [YourCompany], we understand the importance of optimizing your workout schedule to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the science behind timing your workouts and provide practical tips to help you achieve your fitness objectives.
Understanding Circadian Rhythms
What are Circadian Rhythms?
Circadian rhythms are the internal biological processes that regulate various physiological functions, including sleep-wake cycles, hormone secretion, and metabolism. These rhythms are influenced by external cues such as light and temperature, and they play a crucial role in determining the body’s optimal functioning throughout the day.
Impact on Exercise Performance
Research indicates that circadian rhythms can influence exercise performance and recovery. For instance, studies have shown that muscle strength and power tend to peak in the late afternoon or early evening, making this an optimal time for high-intensity workouts or resistance training sessions.
Morning Workouts: Benefits and Considerations
Benefits of Morning Workouts
- Boosted Metabolism: Exercising in the morning can kickstart your metabolism, leading to increased calorie burn throughout the day.
- Improved Mood: Morning workouts release endorphins, which can enhance mood and productivity, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day.
- Consistency: By completing your workout in the morning, you eliminate the risk of unexpected schedule changes or distractions later in the day.
Considerations for Morning Workouts
- Warm-up: Since the body temperature is lower in the morning, it’s essential to include a thorough warm-up to prevent injuries.
- Nutrition: Fueling your body with a balanced breakfast before your workout can provide the energy needed for optimal performance.
Afternoon and Evening Workouts: Maximizing Performance
Peak Performance in the Afternoon and Evening
- Body Temperature: Core body temperature tends to be higher in the afternoon and evening, which can enhance muscle function and flexibility.
- Hormonal Balance: Testosterone levels typically peak later in the day, contributing to improved strength and endurance during workouts.
Tips for Afternoon and Evening Workouts
- Hydration: Stay hydrated throughout the day to ensure optimal performance during evening workouts.
- Post-Workout Nutrition: Refuel your body with a combination of carbohydrates and protein after evening workouts to support muscle recovery and growth.Tailoring Your Workout Schedule to Your GoalsWeight Loss and Fat BurningMorning Workouts:
- Engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or cardio exercises to maximize calorie expenditure and fat burning.
- Combine strength training with cardio for an effective metabolic boost.
- Focus on longer-duration cardio sessions to tap into fat stores and promote weight loss.
- Incorporate resistance training to build lean muscle mass and boost metabolism.
- Prioritize compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to target multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
- Aim for higher rep ranges with moderate weights to stimulate muscle growth.
- Increase the intensity of your strength training sessions by lifting heavier weights and incorporating advanced techniques like drop sets and supersets.
- Ensure adequate rest between sets to maximize muscle recovery and adaptation.
- If mornings are hectic, consider shorter, high-intensity workouts or bodyweight exercises that can be done at home.
- Plan your workout attire and gear the night before to streamline your morning routine and minimize time spent getting ready.
- Factor in work or family commitments when scheduling evening workouts, and choose a time when you’re least likely to be interrupted.
- Keep a gym bag packed with essentials, so you’re always prepared to squeeze in a workout, even on busy days.
- Be flexible with your workout schedule and willing to adapt to unexpected changes or challenges.
- If a planned workout time isn’t feasible, find alternative opportunities throughout the day to stay active, such as taking short walks or doing quick exercise routines.
- Keep a workout journal or use a fitness tracking app to record your workouts, including exercises, sets, reps, and weights used.
- Monitor key performance metrics such as strength gains, endurance improvements, and changes in body composition to gauge progress over time.
- Listen to your body’s signals and adjust your workout schedule or intensity level accordingly to prevent overtraining and injury.
- Seek feedback from a qualified fitness professional or trainer to ensure your workout routine is aligned with your goals and needs.