
People laugh and criticize mom after she reveals how she makes 7-year-old clean and teaches him how to cook

Every parent raises their children differently, as do the lessons we choose to teach them from an early age.

Naturally, that is the case. For example, while some parents choose to allow their children experience a cycle of trying and failing so they can learn right from wrong via their own experiences, others choose a more strict approach.

Nowadays, most people don’t care who decides how to raise their kid or girl; it’s their decision. However, that doesn’t stop individuals from making comments and criticisms on the internet whenever a discussion about a parenting choice is started.

When I was younger, I seem to recall that chores were just a normal part of life. Naturally, I’m talking about my siblings and me as well as my mother.

Making beds, doing the dishes, and assisting with meal preparation before meals The list is endless.

Though I recognize that times change, I think it’s a terrific idea to have kids assist with household chores as long as there’s no risk involved. This will help them develop good morals and a work ethic that will serve them well in the future.

However, it appears that opinions differ.A few years ago, a woman shared images of her son online and explained how she assigns duties to him. It seems that she learned this lesson the hard way.

According to reports, the mother in question, Nikkole Paulun, 22, described how she would gladly assign her 7-year-old son Lyle to household chores like cooking and cleaning.

We can all agree that it’s nothing too dramatic, but it didn’t stop her online critics from verbally abusing her and voicing worries about the possible effects on the child’s emotional health.

The majority of the criticism centered on the mother’s decision to post her son’s tasks online, raising concerns for other parents as well as the possibility that the youngster would not want his regular actions to be seen by so many strangers on the internet.

In the comments, a mother even went so far as to say that Nikkole couldn’t just let her child “be your slave.” or to complete the tasks you yourself find unpleasant.

“I take it you can do everything you’re teaching ur son to do, or are you just putting pressure on ur child?” asked a different commenter.

Another said, “Don’t misunderstand me. A small child shouldn’t be using a stove so early, but they should understand responsibility.

“Lazy mothers are sweeping the nation,” a fourth commenter stated. Though I’ve noticed that many single mothers are just raising their boys to be the men they wish they had always had, it’s still beneficial to teach them while they’re still young.

Many people also supported Nikkole in the comments section, as her post went popular on Facebook with over 8,000 comments and 156,000 interactions.

Nikkole asserted that her son Kyle “just helps along the way & earns allowance as well,” and that she enjoys cleaning the house.

Furthermore, she mentioned that when Ellie was a bit older, she would be doing the same thing as her older siblings, continuing the tradition started by her one-year-old daughter.

What are your thoughts on Nikkole’s parenting style and the backlash she received? Use the comment section to share your opinions with us.

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