Eggplant is the “king of vegetables” but these 4 types of people should avoid it

Eggplant is tasty, but not everyone should consume it. Here are the people who should avoid this vegetable:
1. People with Anemia or Iron Deficiency

Eggplants have a skin that contains a substance called anthocyanin. This substance can “grab” onto iron ions from other foods in our bodies, which makes it harder for us to absorb iron. It also affects how our bodies take in zinc and copper. If someone has anemia or is low on iron, they should stay away from eggplants and eat more iron-rich foods like red meat and liver from animals.
2. People with Stomach Issues

Eating too much eggplant, which has a cooling nature, might cause stomach pain and diarrhea. As a result, people with stomach issues should limit their use of this vegetable.
3. People with Poor Digestive Function

Some people might not have stomach aches or feel sick like kids do, but if their digestion isn’t very strong, they could still feel uncomfortable when eating eggplant because of its hard skin. If they really want to eat eggplant, it’s a good idea for them to peel it first to make it easier on their stomach.
4. People with Kidney Dise:ase

Eggplant has a lot of oxalate, which is an acid that comes from plants. Eating too much of it can lead to kidney stones. So, if someone has kidney problems, they should stay away from eggplant.