
Co-host of ‘The View’ triggers Matthew McConaughey, his reply is very unexpected

Strong proponent of “responsible gun ownership,” Matt McConaughey informed Joy Behar of The View that she was unable to question him about Texas’s anti-gun legislation.

She gave the 54-year-old sex symbol a foot rub before asking him about guns, which prompted him to say something quite forceful.

Matthew McConaughey, 54, was born and reared in Uvalde, Texas, so the May 2022 elementary school shooting struck near to home.

Two instructors and nineteen kids were slain by an 18-year-old ex-student of Robb Elementary School. Following the murders, McConaughey went to a meeting at the White House and pleaded with everyone to “renegotiate our wants from our needs.”

“We need individuals to assume accountability and conduct background checks.” Raising the legal age to purchase an AR-15 weapon to 21 is a good idea. For those weapons, there must be a waiting period. “We need red flag laws and consequences for those who break them,” he declared. These are tactical, sensible, and realistic guidelines.

The Oscar-winning actor claims, “Responsible gun owners are fed up with the Second Amendment being abused and hijacked by some crazy people.”

McConaughey and his spouse Camila Alves launched the Greenlights Grant Initiative after that. It “makes schools safer and ensures the well-being of our children,” according to the website.

Not “everything is fine, everything is fine.”
In the fall of 2023, McConaughey appeared on The View to promote his children’s book “Just Because.”

The Texan gentleman took questions from the other speakers, discussed his book, and gave co-host Joy Behar foot massages all while talking about his three children.

The topic then shifted to McConaughey’s advocacy for being “so outspoken against violence, and gun violence in particular” by Sunny Hostin.

“You considered running for Texas governor in 2021, but you ultimately chose to spend more time with your family.” Do you intend to run for office in the future? Hostin questioned the man, who two years prior had considered a candidacy for his native state’s governorship.

The Spirits of Former Flirts “Yes, if that’s where I think I can be most useful,” the former star replied. Right now, I wish to be of most assistance as a father.

The topic was then brought up again by the host, who appeared to strike a chord with the Dallas Buyers Club actor. The video that is currently going viral shows how heated the debate grew.

“Do you think being anti-gun could help you win an election in Texas?” Behar asked to continue talking about firearms and politics.

“One thing about me and politics, to give you a direct statement right there, is I’m playing a game,” McConaughey repeated to her. Then he gave her a firm handshake and declared, “I have no interest in playing.” He sounded dignified as ever.

Well, don’t do it, the host said.

“I wanted to mention that I’ve looked into your advocacy extensively, and I’m not aware of any anti-gun sentiment. Following the break, Hostin remarked, “I believe you support gun control laws and responsibilities.

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