
“An orphaned kitten showed up at the family’s doorstep, fulfilling their long-held wish.”

A stray kitten who showed up on a family’s doorstep, now has her dream come true.

A family from Montreal, Canada spotted a stray kitten wandering outside their home one day. They gave her some food and the young cat just kept coming back.

The calico would wait outside the front door every evening for some dinner. She eventually warmed up to the people that were kind to her, and would stay outside by their door at night.

The family asked around their neighborhood but no one came to claim her. They decided to seek help for the little stray, hoping to get her into a safe home, away from the outdoor elements.

They contacted their local rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montréal, for help. The kitten named Grenadine was taken to the vet and got the medical attention she desperately needed.

“She was treated for fleas and scabs. We scanned her for a microchip but she didn’t have one,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

Grenadine was a bit shy at first, but slowly began to trust when she realized that she was in good hands with a dedicated volunteer, Marielyne, to care for her.

The sweet calico moved into her foster home where she was given a quiet room. Slowly but surely, she came out of her shell and started to gain more confidence. “You could tell that she’d had a hard time living on the streets and needed more patience and time.”

Over the next few weeks in foster care, the sweet calico grew to enjoy the company of her humans and the resident cats. She was quiet but a great observer, always wanting to know what was going on.

“She likes to watch her day go by and has very expressive ears,” Chatons Orphelins Montréal said. “She is sweet and affectionate, and wants to be in the same room as her people.”

After a rough start, the calico was ready for her next chapter in life — to find a place of her very own.

After weeks of waiting, Grenadine finally had her dream come true when a family picked her up from the rescue and welcomed her into their loving home.

She has blossomed into a cuddle-bug and likes to follow her humans around the house, being their designated supervisor.

She will cuddle up to her people whenever they sit down to watch TV. The sweet kitty enjoys her life as an indoor cat and being the center of attention.

Grenadine loves all the little things in life — toys, food, soft blankets, and warm laps.

She sits by the window to watch Cat TV (her favorite form of entertainment) every day, falling asleep to the warmth of the sun.

The calico has flourished into a playful, curious, confident cat, who loves running around the house, chasing laser beams.

When she finds a soft blanket, she’ll start kneading away, making the cutest biscuits while purring up a storm.

The former stray is now a happy indoor cat with a forever family that spoils her and loves her to bits.

“The kittens were effectively freed from being trapped inside a car engine after a challenging rescue operation.”

“A cat found stranded in a fountain – saved and now ready for adoption.”